Saturday, December 3, 2011

10 Tips To Appreciate Others To Have Them Appreciate You

1. Practice Appreciation. Show others you like them. Start with your family. Compliment a hairstyle, dress, suit, anything that deserves a compliment. Watch a smile and pleasant response come from the person being complimented. Do it sincerely. Others know when you are insincerely flattering them. 

2. Make the other person feel important. If there is a subject or a problem that another can help you with, make the approach this way: "You are regarded as an authority on this matter. I wonder if you would be kind enough to assist me." Elevate his position in life. Make him feel he is important. Give sincere thanks for his help.

3. Never criticize without complimenting. No one likes to be told they are inadequate in their job. Criticize constructively, then praise at least one attribute.

4. Always greet people with a sincere smile. Human beings react to the attitude behind your greeting. Greet them enthusiastically, be genuinely pleased to see them.

5. When in the company of others never gossip or negate the ability or personality of another. If you can't say anything pleasant about someone, don't say anything.

6. Remember people's names. Pronounce the name correctly and always add the appropriate title such as: Mr., Mrs., Miss, Dr., Professor, Sir, etc. Titles make people feel important, use them.

7. When in conversation with others, don't hog the spotlight. A good conversationalist is popular, a good listener even more so. Talk if you have something to say, but listen and show interest in what others have to say.

8. Always be willing to help another; be it advice or the right word in the right direction at the right time. When you assist someone else up the success ladder, he or she may be in a position to help you at some future time.

9. Show your appreciation of another's efforts on your behalf by personally thanking or sending a note of thanks. Little courtesies reap big dividends.

10. In appreciating other's talents, be tolerant of those who do not measure up to your standards. No one is perfect.