Friday, September 9, 2011


Today is the 2nd Friday of September. Millions of Bicolanos will show their strong faith, love and devotion to Our Lady Peñafrancia, “INA” as we, Bicolanos fondly call the Virgin Mother, miraculous patroness of Bicolcandia. Devotees around the globe flock to the progressive Naga City to pay homage and to make thanksgiving to Our Beloved INA.   

Our Lady of  Peñafrancia

The  Traditional Traslacion  Procession will be held this afternoon. “Traslacion”, means the transfer of the image of Divino  Rostro and the replica of Virgin of Peñafrancia by barefooted male devotees called “voyadores” from her original home at Basilica Minore to Naga Metropolitan Cathedral where nine-day  novena prayers and Holy Masses  will be said by pilgrims in honor of Ina.

Basilica Minore

Naga Metropolitan Cathedral

During the Traslacion, while the images pass thru the main streets of Naga City, devotees are waving their handkerchiefs and shouting “Viva La Virgen!” (Long Live the Virgin).

Divino Rostro

Our Lady of  Peñafrancia

Though, I am not there today to participate in the Tradional Procession, I always keep in my heart the times I religiously joined and became a part of  the Traslacion. I always love and honor our very own Ina. In my mind and in heart, I am shouting for joy,
                                    Viva La Virgen! ! VIVA! 
                          Viva Our Lady of Peñafrancia! VIVA!!!

Naga Metropolitan Cathedral

 “Himno a la Nuestra Senora de Penafrancia” 

Resuene vibrante el himno de amor

Que en tona tu pueblo con grata y emocion. 2x

Patrona del Bicol gran madre de Dios
 se siempre la regina de nuestra region. 2x