Saturday, October 8, 2011

Putting God First At the Center Of Our Lives

What makes you happy? Is it money, success, health, beauty, intelligence, popularity, power, material possessions, affirmations from others, etc.? These things can bring us comfort and to a certain extent, happiness. We are all aware of the comforts that money brings. We feel happy when others admire us or when we are popular. And we feel good when we are given power over others. We feel so proud with the material things we have, that we make these things our “god”.

Sometimes, we feel so happy and comfortable that we forget the First Commandment, which states,“I, the Lord, am your God. You shall not have other gods besides Me.”

Today, there are many things that sometimes become our “god” because we put so much effort in trying to get them- so much so that we do anything, even sinful things, to be able to get these material things. We tend to forget God and the fact that He should be the center of our lives.

God knows our needs. There are events in the Gospel where He gives the people what they need. He multiplies bread and fish to feed many people. He turns water into wine. He helps the apostles catch fish. These are material things.

Through His teachings, Jesus is reminding us, Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added to you.

God shows how much He loves us. He creates us and gives us the things necessary for us to sustain our lives. He sent His Son, Jesus to save us and He opens up the way for us to heaven.  It is God Alone whom we should worship. To Him we should give the highest honor and the greatest love. To Him we experience the complete depth of joy. Him alone should we serve.